Myers-Briggs Team Building
As a globally recognized tool, the Myers-Briggs Team Building Program inspires people to work better together to drive organizational success. Using self-assessments and engaging activities we walk you through a process to transform your team by applying MBTI type concepts to the six critical team issues: communication, team culture, leadership, change, problem-solving and managing stress.
Generates a work-styles report and map of team based on personality profiles
Improves self and other awareness
Leverages team strengths
Increases understanding of communication issues
Creates common language to understand and appreciate differences
Mitigates potential conflict
Ideal for:
2-40 participants
Senior Leadership teams
Cross-sectional department leaders
Multidisciplinary teams
Groups or teams who want to improve working relationships and develop strategies to boost performance
Length of workshop: ½, 1 or 2 day options.