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Psychological Health and Mental Health Education

Mental health and employee wellness have become trendy catch-phrases in the workplace as of late, and for good reason. Approximately $51B dollars each year are lost to the Canadian economy because of mental illnesses, $49B of which are from anxiety and depression alone.1 The unfortunate part is that another UK study showed that up to 30% of costs incurred directly by employers due to mental health issues could be avoided.2 The Mental Health Commission of Canada has developed a Psychological Health and Safety Standard (PHSS) which Thrive State can help your organization implement to improve the mental health and productivity of your workforce.


In addition to implementing the PHSS, we offer the following workshops to help address the mental health of your workforce.



Mental Health
First Aid

Myer's Briggs Stress Management Workshop


The 'ASK' Workshop:

Assessing for
Suicide in Kids


Have questions not answered here? Contact us today!

1 Mental Health Commission of Canada. “Strengthening the Case for Investing in Canada’s Mental Health System: Economic Considerations” p.16. March 2017. Retrieved from


2 National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. (2009). Promoting mental health at work: Business case. London, U.K.: Author. Retrieved from uk/nicemedia/live/12331/46023/46023.PDF.


Book a FREE consultation today!


P 604-815-8098

F 866-775-2488

Barrie, ON

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